Source code for

import sys
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import click

from checkQC.qc_engine import QCEngine
from checkQC.config import ConfigFactory
from checkQC.run_type_recognizer import RunTypeRecognizer
from checkQC.run_type_summarizer import RunTypeSummarizer
from checkQC.exceptions import CheckQCException, RunfolderNotFoundError
from checkQC import __version__ as checkqc_version

                    format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

console_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@click.option("--config", help="Path to the checkQC configuration file", type=click.Path())
@click.option('--json', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Print the results of the run as json to stdout")
@click.option('--downgrade-errors', type=str, multiple=True, help="Downgrade errors to warnings for a specific handler, can be used multiple times")
@click.option('--use-closest-read-length', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Use the closest read length if the read length used isn't specified in the config")
@click.argument('runfolder', type=click.Path())
def start(config, json, downgrade_errors, use_closest_read_length, runfolder):
    checkQC is a command line utility designed to quickly gather and assess quality control metrics from an
    Illumina sequencing run. It is highly customizable and which quality controls modules should be run
    for a particular run type should be specified in the provided configuration file.
    # -----------------------------------
    # This is the application entry point
    # -----------------------------------
    app = App(runfolder, config, json, downgrade_errors, use_closest_read_length)

[docs]class App(object): """ This is the main application object for CheckQC. """ def __init__(self, runfolder, config_file=None, json_mode=False, downgrade_errors_for=(), use_closest_read_length=False): self._runfolder = runfolder self._config_file = config_file self._json_mode = json_mode self._downgrade_errors_for = downgrade_errors_for self._use_closest_read_length = use_closest_read_length self.exit_status = 0
[docs] def configure_and_run(self): """ Configures and runs the application. It will set the exit status of the object in accordance with if any fatal qc errors were found or not. :returns: The reports of the application as a dict """ config = ConfigFactory.from_config_path(self._config_file) parser_configurations = config.get("parser_configurations", None) if not Path(self._runfolder).is_dir(): raise RunfolderNotFoundError("Could not find runfolder: {}. Are you " "sure the path is correct?".format(self._runfolder)) run_type_recognizer = RunTypeRecognizer(runfolder=self._runfolder) instrument_and_reagent_version = run_type_recognizer.instrument_and_reagent_version() # TODO For now assume symmetric read lengths both_read_lengths = run_type_recognizer.read_length() read_length = int(both_read_lengths.split("-")[0]) handler_config = config.get_handler_configs(instrument_and_reagent_version, read_length, self._downgrade_errors_for, self._use_closest_read_length) run_type_summary = RunTypeSummarizer.summarize(instrument_and_reagent_version, both_read_lengths, handler_config) qc_engine = QCEngine(runfolder=self._runfolder, parser_configurations=parser_configurations, handler_config=handler_config) reports = reports["run_summary"] = run_type_summary self.exit_status = qc_engine.exit_status return reports
[docs] def run(self): """ This method will run CheckQC as it is intended to run as a commandline application, it will log to the stderr and write data to stdout. :returns: the exit status of the run (0 for success, else not 0) """"------------------------")"Starting checkQC ({})".format(checkqc_version))"------------------------")"Runfolder is: {}".format(self._runfolder)) try: reports = self.configure_and_run() if self.exit_status == 0:"Finished without finding any fatal qc errors.") else: log.error("Finished with fatal qc errors and will exit with non-zero exit status.") if self._json_mode: print(json.dumps(reports)) except CheckQCException as e: log.error(e) self.exit_status return self.exit_status
if __name__ == '__main__': start()