Source code for checkQC.handlers.undetermined_percentage_handler

from collections import defaultdict

from checkQC.handlers.qc_handler import QCHandler, QCErrorFatal, QCErrorWarning
from checkQC.parsers.stats_json_parser import StatsJsonParser
from checkQC.parsers.interop_parser import InteropParser

[docs]class UndeterminedPercentageHandler(QCHandler): """ This handler will check that the percentage of undetermined reads on a lane is below the specified threshold. If there are no indexes specified for the lane, this will be skipped. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.conversion_results = None self.phix_aligned = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def parser(self): """ The UndeterminedPercentageHandler fetches its data from the Stats.json file :returns: A list of a StatsJsonParser callable and a InteropParser """ return [StatsJsonParser, InteropParser]
[docs] def collect(self, signal): key, value = signal if key == "ConversionResults": self.conversion_results = value if key == "percent_phix": self.phix_aligned[value["lane"]][value["read"]] = value["percent_phix"]
def _compute_mean_percentage_phix_aligned_for_lanes(self): lane_and_mean_percentage_phix_aliged = {} for lane, reads in self.phix_aligned.items(): mean = 0 for read, value in reads.items(): mean += value / len(reads) lane_and_mean_percentage_phix_aliged[lane] = mean return lane_and_mean_percentage_phix_aliged
[docs] def check_qc(self): mean_phix_per_lane = self._compute_mean_percentage_phix_aligned_for_lanes() for lane_dict in self.conversion_results: # If no index was specified for a lane, there will be no # Undetermined key for that lane in the Stats.json file. /JD 2017-10-02 if lane_dict.get("Undetermined"): lane_nbr = int(lane_dict["LaneNumber"]) total_yield = lane_dict["Yield"] if total_yield == 0: yield QCErrorFatal("Yield for lane: {} was 0. No undetermined percentage could be computed.", ordering=lane_nbr, data={"lane": lane_nbr, "percentage_undetermined": "N/A"}) continue undetermined_yield = lane_dict["Undetermined"]["Yield"] percentage_undetermined = (undetermined_yield / total_yield)*100 def compute_threshold(value): return value + mean_phix_per_lane[lane_nbr] def create_data_dict(value): return {"lane": lane_nbr, "percentage_undetermined": percentage_undetermined, "threshold": value, "computed_threshold": compute_threshold(value), "phix_on_lane": mean_phix_per_lane[lane_nbr]} if self.error() != self.UNKNOWN and percentage_undetermined > compute_threshold(self.error()): yield QCErrorFatal("The percentage of undetermined indexes was" " to high on lane {}, it was: {:.2f}%".format(lane_nbr, percentage_undetermined), ordering=lane_nbr, data=create_data_dict(self.error())) elif self.warning() != self.UNKNOWN and percentage_undetermined > compute_threshold(self.warning()): yield QCErrorWarning("The percentage of undetermined indexes was " "to high on lane {}, it was: {:.2f}%".format(lane_nbr, percentage_undetermined), ordering=lane_nbr, data=create_data_dict(self.warning())) else: continue