Source code for checkQC.qc_engine

from collections import defaultdict
import logging

from checkQC.handlers.qc_handler_factory import QCHandlerFactory
from checkQC.exceptions import ConfigurationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QCEngine(object): """ The QCEngine will provide a method to apply all specified handler on the specified runfolder. Internally it will run a number of methods which will do the following: - create all handlers specified in the handler config - validate all the configs provided, so that all necessary values are preset - initiate the parsers based on which parsers are found in the handlers - connect the handlers and parsers so that each parser gets the correct subscribers - run the parsers, i.e. pick up data and pass it to the handlers - compile all reports from the handlers The QCEngine has a `exit_status` field which can be checked after calling the `run` method, to determine if all handlers were successful or not (zero indicates success, 1 indicates failure) """ def __init__(self, runfolder, parser_configurations, handler_config, qc_handler_factory=None): """ Create a instance of QCEngine :param runfolder: the path to the runfolder which should be analyzed :param parser_configurations: dict containing configurations for the parsers :param handler_config: a dict which configurations for the handlers :param qc_handler_factory: A QCHandlerFactory, if None default QCHandlerFactory will be used """ self.runfolder = runfolder self.parser_configurations = parser_configurations self.handlers_config = handler_config self._handlers = [] self._parsers_and_handlers = defaultdict(list) self.exit_status = 0 if qc_handler_factory: self._qc_handler_factory = qc_handler_factory else: self._qc_handler_factory = QCHandlerFactory()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the specified parsers and handlers and compile their reports. Will set the `exit_status` depending on if there were any errors or not. :return: a dict representing the reports gathers. """ try: self._create_handlers() self._validate_configurations() self._initiate_parsers() self._subscribe_handlers_to_parsers() self._run_parsers() reports = self._compile_reports() return reports except ConfigurationError: self.exit_status = 1
def _create_handlers(self): for clazz_config in self.handlers_config: self._handlers.append(self._qc_handler_factory. create_subclass_instance(clazz_config["name"], clazz_config)) def _validate_configurations(self): try: for handler in self._handlers: handler.validate_configuration() return True except ConfigurationError as e: log.error("Error in configuration found for handler: {}. {}".format(type(handler).__name__, e)) raise e def _initiate_parsers(self): for handler in self._handlers: if isinstance(handler.parser(), list): parsers = handler.parser() else: parsers = [handler.parser()] for parser_factory in parsers: parser_instance = parser_factory(runfolder=self.runfolder, parser_configurations=self.parser_configurations) self._parsers_and_handlers[parser_instance].append(handler) def _subscribe_handlers_to_parsers(self): for parser, handlers in self._parsers_and_handlers.items(): parser.add_subscribers(handlers) def _run_parsers(self): for parser in self._parsers_and_handlers.keys(): def _compile_reports(self): reports = {"exit_status": 0} for handler in self._handlers: handler_report = if handler_report: reports[type(handler).__name__] = list(map(lambda x: x.as_dict(), handler_report)) if handler.exit_status() != 0: self.exit_status = 1 reports["exit_status"] = 1 return reports