Source code for checkQC.run_type_recognizer

import logging

from checkQC.exceptions import *
from checkQC.runfolder_reader import RunfolderReader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IlluminaInstrument(object): """ Base class representing an Illumina instrument. The `name` and `reagent_version` needs to be implemented by the specific subclasses. """
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): """ Name of the instrument, e.g. 'nova_seq' :returns: name of instrument as string """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): """ Reagent version, e.g. `v1` Can used the provided runtype_recognizer to determined the exact reagent version :param runtype_recognizer: A instance of RuntypeRecognizer :returns: reagent version as a string """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ISeq(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "iseq"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): return "v1"
[docs]class NovaSeq(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "novaseq"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): try: reagent_version = runtype_recognizer.run_parameters["RunParameters"]["RfidsInfo"]["FlowCellMode"] return reagent_version except KeyError: raise ReagentVersionUnknown("Could not identify flowcell mode for Novaseq")
[docs]class NovaSeqXPlus(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "novaseqxplus"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): try: run_parameters = runtype_recognizer.run_parameters['RunParameters'] consumables = run_parameters["ConsumableInfo"]["ConsumableInfo"] reagent_version = next( consumable for consumable in consumables if consumable['Type'] == 'FlowCell' )['Mode'] return reagent_version except (KeyError, StopIteration): raise ReagentVersionUnknown("Could not identify flowcell mode for NovaSeqXPlus")
[docs]class HiSeqX(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "hiseqx"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): return "v2"
[docs]class MiSeq(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "miseq"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): """ Find the reagent kit version (and flowcell mode if applicable) for this run :returns: reagent version in format v[reagent kit version] or [flowcell mode]_v[reagent kit version], e.g. v3 or nano_v2 """ def _reagent_kit_version(runtype_recognizer): try: reagent_version = runtype_recognizer.run_parameters["RunParameters"]["ReagentKitVersion"] return reagent_version.replace("Version", "v") except KeyError: raise ReagentVersionUnknown("No reagent version specified for this instrument type") def _flowcell_type(runtype_recognizer): try: tiles_per_swath = int(runtype_recognizer.run_parameters["RunParameters"]["Setup"]["NumTilesPerSwath"]) if tiles_per_swath == 2: return "nano" elif tiles_per_swath == 4: return "micro" elif tiles_per_swath >= 14: return "standard" else: raise ReagentVersionUnknown() except (KeyError, ReagentVersionUnknown): raise ReagentVersionUnknown("Unable to identify flowcell type through number of tiles per swath") flowcell_version = _flowcell_type(runtype_recognizer) reagent_version = _reagent_kit_version(runtype_recognizer) if flowcell_version == "standard": return reagent_version else: return "_".join([flowcell_version, reagent_version])
[docs]class HiSeq2500(IlluminaInstrument):
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): return "hiseq2500"
[docs] @staticmethod def reagent_version(runtype_recognizer): """ Find run mode (rapid or not) and reagent version used for this run :return run mode (as specified in RunInfo.xml) and reagent version joint as one string e.g. rapidhighoutput_v4 or rapidrun_v2 """ try: run_mode = runtype_recognizer.run_parameters["RunParameters"]["Setup"]["RunMode"].lower() except KeyError: raise RunModeUnknown("No run mode specified for this instrument type") try: reagent_version = runtype_recognizer.run_parameters["RunParameters"]["Setup"]["Sbs"] #Select last element from string "HiSeq SBS Kit v4" format_reagent_version= reagent_version.split(" ")[-1].strip().lower() except KeyError: raise ReagentVersionUnknown("No reagent version specified for this instrument type and run mode") return "{}_{}".format(run_mode, format_reagent_version)
[docs]class RunTypeRecognizer(object): """ RunTypeRecognizer will read files in the runfolder to determine information about the run, such as the instrument type, the read length, etc. The runfolder needs to have a 'RunInfo.xml' and a '[R|r]unParameters.xml' file. """ def __init__(self, runfolder, runfolder_reader=RunfolderReader()): """ Create a RunTypeRecognizer instance :param runfolder: to gather data about :param runfolder_reader: reader class for for runfolders, defaults to RunfolderReader. Here to make testing easier. """ self._runfolder = runfolder self.run_info = runfolder_reader.read_run_info_xml(runfolder) self.run_parameters = runfolder_reader.read_run_parameters_xml(runfolder)
[docs] def instrument_type(self): """ This will look in the RunInfo.xml and determine the run type, based on the mappings from instrument names to instrument types :raises: InstrumentTypeUnknown :returns: the instrument type of the runfolder """ instrument_name = self.run_info["RunInfo"]["Run"]["Instrument"] machine_type_mappings = { "M": MiSeq, "D": HiSeq2500, "ST": HiSeqX, "A": NovaSeq, "FS": ISeq, "LH": NovaSeqXPlus, } for instrument_code, instrument_class in machine_type_mappings.items(): if instrument_name.startswith(instrument_code): return instrument_class() raise InstrumentTypeUnknown("Did not recognize instrument type of: {}".format(instrument_name))
[docs] def instrument_and_reagent_version(self): """ Get the instrument and reagent version associated with this runfolder. :returns: the joined instrument and reagent version, e.g. 'hiseq2500_rapidrun_v2' """ instrument_type = self.instrument_type() return "_".join([, instrument_type.reagent_version(self)])
[docs] def read_length(self): """ Gather information on the read length of the run. :returns: The read length. If multiple reads delimited by "-", e.g. 150-150. """ reads = self.run_info["RunInfo"]["Run"]["Reads"]["Read"] read_lengths = [] for read in reads: if not read['@IsIndexedRead'] == 'Y': read_lengths.append(int(read['@NumCycles'])) if len(read_lengths) < 1: raise RunModeUnknown("Found no NumCycles in RunInfo.xml, could not determine read length") return "-".join(map(str, read_lengths))