Source code for checkQC.parsers.interop_parser

from checkQC.parsers.parser import Parser

from interop import py_interop_run_metrics, py_interop_run, py_interop_summary

[docs]class InteropParser(Parser): """ This Parser will get data from the Illumina Interop binary files, and send it to its subscribers as a tuple with the first element being the name of the element and the second one being a the actual data. At this point the following data which is fetched from the Interop files and is sent in the following format: - ("error_rate", {"lane": <lane nbr>, "read": <read nbr>, "error_rate": <error rate>})) - ("percent_q30", {"lane": <lane nbr>, "read": <read nbr>, "percent_q30": <percent q30>})) """ def __init__(self, runfolder, parser_configurations, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a InteropParser instance for the specified runfolder :param runfolder: to create InteropParser instance for :param parser_configurations: dict containing any extra configuration required by the parser under class name key """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.runfolder = runfolder
[docs] @staticmethod def get_non_index_reads(summary): """ Pick-out the reads which are not index reads :param summary: a Interop read summary object to parse the read numbers from :returns: all reads which are not index reads """ non_index_reads = [] for read_nbr in range(summary.size()): if not non_index_reads.append(read_nbr) return non_index_reads
[docs] def run(self): run_metrics = py_interop_run_metrics.run_metrics() run_metrics.run_info() valid_to_load = py_interop_run.uchar_vector(py_interop_run.MetricCount, 0) py_interop_run_metrics.list_summary_metrics_to_load(valid_to_load), valid_to_load) summary = py_interop_summary.run_summary() py_interop_summary.summarize_run_metrics(run_metrics, summary) lanes = summary.lane_count() reads = self.get_non_index_reads(summary) for lane in range(lanes): # The interop library uses zero based indexing, however most people uses read 1/2 # to denote the different reads, this enumeration is used to transform from # zero based indexing to this form. /JD 2017-10-27 for new_read_nbr, original_read_nbr in enumerate(reads): read = error_rate = read.error_rate().mean() percent_q30 = read.percent_gt_q30() percent_phix_aligned = read.percent_aligned().mean() self._send_to_subscribers(("error_rate", {"lane": lane+1, "read": new_read_nbr+1, "error_rate": error_rate})) self._send_to_subscribers(("percent_q30", {"lane": lane+1, "read": new_read_nbr+1, "percent_q30": percent_q30})) self._send_to_subscribers(("percent_phix", {"lane": lane+1, "read": new_read_nbr+1, "percent_phix": percent_phix_aligned}))
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.runfolder == other.runfolder: return True else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__ + self.runfolder)